On 25 September, the first meeting of the actors of the independent music scene of the South Bohemia region, i.e. female musicians and promoters, took place within the project Crossing borders in music.
The round table was attended by Martin Kalenský and Anna Mašátová (coordinators of the Beyond the Boundaries of Music project), Adéla Kolářová (independent promoter), Lukáš Zahradník (Balzam Cafe), Hedvika Drenčeni and Robert Brtník (Výměník 1, České Budějovice), Vojtěch Divoký (Žižkárna), Marjari (musician), David Zeman (Oskar Nedbal Theatre, Tábor / Kalle group), Ivo Voříšek (Cool v Plotě festival, Písek / Artorzo Festival), Michal Grill (Cool v Plotě, Letní Etna, Písek), and Vladimír Batysta (independent musician).
"Those who want to ignite others must first burn themselves."
This quote was also mentioned during the lively afternoon discussion. The independent scene is not lacking in passionate organizers and artists; however, much of their work is often inadequately compensated or funded from their own pockets.
Organizers are facing a decline in attendance (partly due to the evident trend of decreasing young audiences at music events in the post-COVID years), a lack of suitable production spaces (especially mid-sized venues with a capacity of around 200 to 300 attendees), and often limited interest in the alternative scene from city or regional leadership, resulting in little financial or media support.
Musicians are frequently under-compensated, and there is very little awareness that the hourly rate for creative work must also account for rehearsals with the band, investments in instruments, travel for performances, and payment for rehearsal spaces (finding suitable rehearsal spaces is often nearly impossible). There are also many other tasks that artists must complete to present their work. Technical professions were mentioned as well, with almost non-existent opportunities for support in purchasing technical equipment for venues and related education for those interested in technical professions in sound, lighting, etc.
There was a clear interest in having regular meetings, either in person or online, and in building an information service for the independent scene in the South Bohemian Region (newsletter, website, mobile app) with a database, raising awareness, and encouraging young people to attend events through discussions in schools, as well as continuing the dialogue about further networking in the independent music scene with educational opportunities.
The project Beyond the Boundaries of Music / Crossing Borders in Music recognizes that the independent and DIY scene has its specific needs. Through mapping, financial support, education, networking within the region, the republic, and cross-border collaboration, as well as media outputs, it aims to help overcome obstacles for organizers and artists and contribute to the overall sustainability of the independent scene in South Bohemia.

photographed by Pavel Balek