Kul.turista in Doudlebsko: Resurrection/Rebirth of Houses
The KUL.TURISTA set off to the Doudlebsko region for the second time, this time with the theme "Resurrection/Rebirth of Houses". Within our platform 28 Houses, which connects cultural houses (and one garden), we have great partners in the region who organize the Cultural Tourist in their cities as part of the first joint project.
Photo Nika Brunové
With the Cultural Tourist, we headed to Doudlebsko, where the main organizers are the multifunctional space Prádelna in Český Krumlov and the emerging community center Pelechovina in Komařice. The event took place on the weekend before Easter Monday, on Holy Saturday and Easter Sunday. The Easter theme of resurrection connects both of these spaces, which strive to create a place for community gatherings, a place for realizing the creative ambitions of locals, where culture grows from the bottom up.
On Saturday, April 8, there was a demonstration of local traditions, crafts, and art workshops for children in Komařice. Hungarian artist Ana Fischer collected materials from locals for a new art piece inspired by traditional Doudlebsko textile motifs.
We parked a small caravan in the garden, which we use to visit our partners, and under normal circumstances, we conduct sociological research there. However, due to the persistent rain, we had to improvise, and the sociological research through the Socionaut group took place in a covered area. Socionaut surveyed local residents to find out their needs, wishes, and ideas about what the emerging community center should look like and what it should be used for.
What was the atmosphere like despite the rain? Check out Baty's photos.
On Sunday, April 9, we moved with the Cultural Tourist to Český Krumlov, where the multifunctional space Prádelna organized the event.
Two workshops were held in the Prádelna space - paper matrix printing and flower arranging. Martina Nácalová led the workshop on arranging spring meadow flowers. The graphic workshop was led by local artist Marek Borsanyi, who mainly focuses on paper matrix printing. The entire day was accompanied by ambient music by the AVA collective.
Photo Nika Brunová