Project design - accelerating new project ideas
12. January 2022
Expert workshops focused on both the further development and innovation of existing projects and the acceleration of new project ideas. In the framework of these workshops, interested parties will be able to develop their projects with the assistance of Roman Hřebecký and then apply for support within this special grant call. It is open to projects from Budweis and South Bohemia. The capacity is always 8 - 10 projects.
Realised: 3. 1. 2022 and 28. 1. 2022
A two-day intensive workshop for those who want to innovate and develop their ongoing project, but also want this development controlled and built upon safer incremental steps:
- Based on real inputs.
- Confronted with the needs of the target group and the potential budget and other resources.
- Methodologically based on the principles of design thinking and change management.